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Showing posts from December, 2014

Getting Older is Fun!

Yes, that's right. I said it. Aging is fun. Here's how I've come to this conclusion: Looks don't matter as much. As a woman, there's less pressure to be skinny, wear makeup, work out. Of course there's the compelling case to working out for one's overall health, but even when you do so at this age, you don't have to wear the latest, clingy-est outfits to the gym. Oversized t-shirts and sweatpants are dandy and even optimal. You don't like it? Then look away. (Not that you need any prompting to do so.) Forgetfulness is forgiven. Well, you still can't overlook things like your kid's birthday or Christmas, but if you forget to defrost your dinner ingredients, you can forgive yourself and order pizza with no remorse. After all, your memory is fading, so bring on the calzones! Watching TV shows and movies is more of an adventure. I used to get miffed when my mother inserted questions like, "Why are they chasing that guy?" o