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I didn't think much of it -- I have a couple of nice afghan throws if it gets too cold in my house. (Note: It's cold in my house because I am cheap and every time I hear the furnace click on, it sets my teeth on edge)

Mom II tells me one day,"I got a surprise for you. I'll bring it over." I thought nothing of it. Then she handed me a plastic bag with something red in it. It was...(cue music here)

The students who work in my office are hysterical that I have this in my house. Notice that all the people wearing this get-up are white, very white. And scary, very scary. And if they could wear a Snuggie all day, every day, they sure would.

Me, not so much. You see, I cannot do anything when I have this on. I cannot walk in it, I cannot use my hands. The outfits the actors are wearing in this video are not Snuggies. A child the size of the one in the commercial would get lost inside of a Snuggie. I am over 5'9" tall, and if I try to walk in it, it's so long it trips me up. I cannot brew a cup of tea with it on, because the sleeves dangle dangerously.

I am bringing it into work because my staff wants to make a video with that as the subject. As I said, they think it's hysterical that they know someone who owns one.

If you want to know the benefits of ownership, look no further than this quote from a news story:

"I've gained 20 pounds since I started using my Snuggie," jokes Amy Norris of Baltimore, a member of a Snuggie fan club on Facebook. "I got it for a Christmas gift and initially thought it was just funny, but now we fight over it at my house."

That's it for me -- it's going to be my office prop -- I will no longer wear it in the house. It is evil.

P.S. - I have the booklight, too. It's going to be a prop in the video.


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