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Bleh... wear-ever

I need a stylist. When my daughter moved away ten years ago, my fashion consultant left me. I can't count how many times I asked her, "Do these shoes go?" She often just took me by the hand and picked out the right pair, usually not the 2 choices I was wearing. To her credit, she recently spent a couple of hours with me and my closet, giving me tips on how to combine colors and styles. When she's in town, she'll even accompany me to buy clothes.

But when she leaves, that part of my brain that controls fashion sense creeps out.

Like check out these shoes I bought:

They look okay, don't they? Well, first of all, I wore them for the first time the day that I had to teach for about 5 hours, but to hell with the pain -- I wanted to make a good impression.

The problem is, my feet are huge, and I was clunking around in front of the class, looking like God-knows-what.

Wait, I can give you an idea: add 80 lbs, and this is what I looked like:


  1. Ha ha. Yeah, chunky shoes tend to look much cuter and leaner in their size 6 sample photographs. Still, I bet those would be cute with jeans or pants, but with a skirt they might make you look a little witchy, and not in that ethereal Stevie Nicks kind of way.


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