If you haven't done so, go out now and rent/buy John Adams, the HBO mini-series. It is very well acted and directed. The settings are fabulous. Laura Linney (Abigail) and Paul Giamatti (John) are able to communicate passion and their deep, abiding love in a time when restraint, even between a married couple, was the order of the day. So much of what happened during that tumultuous birth of our nation is reenacted to perfection.
When I saw the video on sale at Amazon, I scrolled down to the reviews written by those who bought it. The first one began impressively, giving a glowing overview of what was outstanding about this video. Then came these words, "And Thomas Jefferson is hot."
Really. No kidding. The comment immediately below that one reiterated that Thomas Jefferson was "hot." Thank you, Paris Hilton, for ruining almost every scene with Stephen Dillane (the actor who played Jefferson), because my inner voice would say, "Yeah, he is kinda hot." Truth be told, anyone would look "hot" compared to the cast portraying our founding fathers. FYI, this is a closer version of what TJ actually looked like:

So what do you think: A hottie or a nottie?
Grrr, Paris, you've ruined me!
When I saw the video on sale at Amazon, I scrolled down to the reviews written by those who bought it. The first one began impressively, giving a glowing overview of what was outstanding about this video. Then came these words, "And Thomas Jefferson is hot."
Really. No kidding. The comment immediately below that one reiterated that Thomas Jefferson was "hot." Thank you, Paris Hilton, for ruining almost every scene with Stephen Dillane (the actor who played Jefferson), because my inner voice would say, "Yeah, he is kinda hot." Truth be told, anyone would look "hot" compared to the cast portraying our founding fathers. FYI, this is a closer version of what TJ actually looked like:

So what do you think: A hottie or a nottie?
Grrr, Paris, you've ruined me!
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