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I have a new toy. It's a GPS system that goes right on my windshield, under my rear view mirror and my toll pass. What a high-tech windshield I have!

I don't need this device much, but when I go somewhere unfamiliar, it's better than driving while sneaking glances at my Google map printouts as I navigate strange neighborhoods.

So, my first real attempt to let this talking device help me was yesterday. I was going about 30 miles from home to a South Dallas courthouse. I programmed my destination and smiled as the disembodied voice told me to turn out of my development.

Once I was on the highway, I knew I had to go quite a distance, so I turned on the radio. Then I heard the voice saying something to me (Was my radio too loud and she couldn't think?) I turned the music off and listened carefully. Turns out, at every intersection of roads, the device would tell me to stay on the road I was on. Problem was, I was told this 1 mile before, then 1/2 a mile before, then when I hit the location. When that happened, a magic little bell sound (like angels) came through the machine.

I had a few intersecting roadways, so I had to listen to that a few times more. That was okay. I could deal. When it guided me through the dreaded "mixmaster" in downtown Dallas, it encouraged me to take the fastest route, as opposed to the less congested way that Google maps showed me. That was okay and quite logical.

I followed instructions and finally exited the highway and headed to the next turn. Make a right, she told me. I made a right. "You have arrived at your destination." Huh?? I see a Walgreens and a church and an empty lot. Can't be! I drove up and down the road a few times, but no court. Finally I stopped a worker who was by his pickup on the side of the road. When I told him what I was looking for, he said, "Well there's a building on the other side of the intersection where the sheriff and his deputies park, and I see a lot of police cars pull in there." Okay, so the device should have told me to make a left, not a right. Stupid machine.

I followed the worker's direction, and sure enough, this was the place. Then as I looked for parking, I noticed the address on the door. 7021 S. Polk.

I had programmed "7012" into my device.

Stupid human!


  1. It seems like you need more "shtuff" on your windshield...might I suggest the bluetooth calling device integrated into your rearview mirror. Thanks, SkyMall!


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