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Keep the economy moving

I'm doing my best to move this economy...I just bought an automatic hose-reeler to go with my not-yet-realized vegetable garden. I was in the nursery yesterday buying flowers (not perennials, but annuals - see?...again another example of contributing to the economy--in 2 months I'l have to buy more plants) when I overheard a woman telling another shopper how she tried and tried to grow tomatoes, but had no luck. Damn! This isn't the first time I've heard this, yet in my garage is the making of some unique tomato plants that you hang up and they grow down. (I don't understand it either. Look for an update when I try to figure this thing out.)

In my eagerness to become a farmer, I started a compost heap in the backyard, which is doing quite well. I do have one concern though: it's hard to know when your compost heap is "done," because it never is. When I took a class on composting, I saw these big bins where you use screens to separate the already-composted stuff from the not-quite-ready stuff. I haven't seen these screens on sale at Home Depot, so I'm going to have to make one myself. Yep. Myself. And I will do that at some point in time. Eventually. Meanwhile, I happily throw my vegetable scraps, eggshells and coffee grinds into this ever-growing pile, and every so often, I turn it and watch the surprised worms racing back under the pile to hide from the sun. I love these worms. I won't touch them, but I love them.

Oh, and I'm still helping the economy, because last week I bought a compost bin to complement my fenced-in compost heap. One day, my garden will grow, but for now, I'm tending a worm farm and doing my part for America.


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